Monday, March 05, 2007

Short and Sweet

Everybody's mom has a few favorite sayings. You know--the ones that keep rattling through your head when you're 44 and have kids of your own. I have not yet shared a lot of my mom's wisdom with my kids (currently ages 6 and 1), but when they're old enough, you can bet I will grind these two expressions into their heads:

"An idea in an empty head has the time of its life."

"It's always darkest before it's completely black."

My mom is cool.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Back...with Bourdain

No elections to whine about. Jesper and Ian haven't been dressing up the links lately. So I am left to ramble about food. And the only thing I can think to say is: "What He Said." Nobody does miffed-and-vexed better than Anthony Bourdain. And today, I bow in his general direction.